bangon lambat..
sampai kajang around 7.20..shit!~ d trains gonna be off anytime soon..
berlari...maen parking je..d mamak terjerit2 panggil..meybe he was about to say..'hey no parking'..
well..bukan ade sign pon..says 'no parking'..duhh~
i ran thru d gates...
masok2 je..d door was like..'tiiittt..tiittt'
fiuhh.! sempat.!
but..just beberapa minit train bergerak..tbe2 it stops in the middle of the railway..
and people from the front car..starting to occupy ours..
and a chinese lady asked..'what happen?'
'ouhh we smell somthing..n suddenly theres somekind of smoke..'
sme mcm agak risau2..
all i ever think of was..'shit! gonna be super!'..
i was not even half way there..and its ordy nearly 8..urghhh!
then an annoucement..'train akan tamat perkhidmatan di stesen serdang.penumpang di minta turun..blablabla...'.. the starting point the train jadi macam sardin..sekali ramai masok..
just imagine..sme turun kat situ..adoyy~.
a train came..tapi mmg tak dapat masok..tu pon da macam ape je sme naek..
so i biar je..tak suke tolak2..rempuh..but its already nearly 8.30!
called papa..papa said amek cab je..sekali..baru nak naek cab..
ade train buruk lame tu ..(intercity)..ntah dr johor ke mane...'gedek..gedek..'
stopped..and a traffic officer was yelling..'KL Sentral sahaja'
so i hop in..n off to work..
arrived...9.14! bos da tao da..informed her earlier..
ouhh..public transport di malaysia..~..haihh~
geez..what a monday to start...~
but later dat day..went pretty fine..
had dinner with the 2 chipmunks @ beranang..
epul n totok..
den went back home..
i left my room was totally huru hara dat morning..
suda extremely lambat..
so i didnt make up my bed..
lampu sme tak tutup..
even d cupboard door pon terbukak..
towel ntah mane2..
make up stuff was everywhere..
as i got home..
Exploring Thoughts with Non-Human Companions
1 week ago
payoh tol nk nek rain tuh..mcm2 hal..dan2 plak kan time kite tlambat...
tension jee pagi2..~
tp kadang2 bile it goes well..
i prefer it oso..
tak de plak tension jam tiap2 hari..
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