kali ni banyak gmbr je..so u guys ble tgk gmbr je..woops~
so the last day of our holiday trip..
we had to check out at 11..so ktorng take turns mandi..
then at 11 we shoot off..
but ktorng split..coz aunty ah na pegi tgk rumah mawi kat kulai tu..
semangat kan..but papa?..noooo..no wayyy..pujukla camne pon..noo wayyy hozayyy~..
so instead we singgah at my school..which is just 4 km from desaru..
eventho da agak buruk sekolah tu..but it holds 5 years of memories..hehhe~
and i still remember..i baek ngan pakcik guard dulu..sebab selalu mintak tlg belikan air kat bazar ramadhan kat bandar penawar..heheheh~
pegi seminars..
perform sketch..(kan sha..?)..
meeting PIBG..
talentime..spelling bee..choral speakings..choirs..
training taekwondo every wednesday.
aaandd amek examsss..!
soo to bad..but amek gmbr dari jauh pon da good enuff..heheh~
the pink building is aspuri (asrama puteri)..and tga2 tu..dewan makan..
that tennis court was the place dlu epul maen tennis petang2..and sy sekodeng dr dorm..muahahahha!
now kene tunggu 5 tahun lagi ke baru sampai lagi at this school?
now da keje..anytime ble ade big gath kat JB..i can always come down and join...ta ya pk2 na mintak duet kat papa for the expenses..heheeh~
so korang...ble nak reunite?
na joinnn!
arrived home around 6 plus..
lepak2..n tdo..
coz tomorro's working suda!..
i had so much fun on the 4 days vacation..
time kaseh kepada sponsors...hahaha!
WAAAA!!! mentang2 cuti kat desaru.. hak2.. but y sorg2 je??? x g rumah cekgu ajes ke sir azman ke?? hehe.. owh. gosh.. memories overflowing!!! haha.. nanti nak cari gambar lame.. scan n post!! hehe.. but really not now.. da ngantok gler.. & esok nak balek kcg then pg serian for 3 weeks without internet.. help me!!! daa t-ra~
p/s: Miss u T-Ra (><)
i was super back-in-the-moment mase kte sekolah2 dlu sha..
jalan2 kat koperasi..n teringt selalu beli biscuits and susu dutchlady..kan.kan?
patu pegi kantin...makan mee 'bahaya'..me sup je actually kan..cume makan nanti bahaya sbb kene tudung..ehhe~
tu belom pegi dorm shaaa..
lagi banyakkk gile memoriesss to reminisce..waaaaaaaaaa~
ok doctor-to-be..
see u in 3 weeks time!
take care!
love ya darl!
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