technically my 2nd..counted d phone interview..
woke up early..shoot off to umah azmi..
had breakfast with him n leh..
den around 9+ bergerak ke marcus evans..
i was a bit nervous..
ok..alot..! major..! extremely on my nerves..!
i was rehearsing my so-called speeach in the car..
and azmi hold my hand..huhoo~

so we chill2 jap dlm keta..den up to 21st floor..
i filled up the forms..and as a man n a lady approached me..
mr rozli n miss sherice..i stood up and shake hands..'athirah'..nape susah sgt na sebut name sendri..dem...
azmi waited outside..(ouh fogot to mention..he was smartly dressed...hehhe.handsome la yayang~) he waited outside sambil cuci2 mate tgk amoi2 chantek..
den we headed beck to pantai..
i changed..and to the
bukan ape pon..jalan2..
den sat in carls and had chilli fries..
and snap pics..making silly2 no ones bussiness..

den went window shop..
azmi na carik shirt..
den tbe2 mirza call saying dat tonite ade meeting..
ouh post please.!
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