went for a trip to MPOB Experimental Palm Oil Mill..
its actually a research mill for mpob project testing..cham agak cool la..
all d latest technology in palm oil milling..
patented or not yet patent..
and is a jointventure with sime darby plantation..huhu
went with En Zaid,Faizal,Farah n cheq Kam..
pg pagi2..breakfast @pekan nilai...roti canai die sedapp...
roti canai bulat..arwah tokbah kate roti canai betol is roti canai bulat..
kalaw square ta best..cham mamak2 kan square..*missing arwah tokbah..huhu*
balik b4 solat jumaat...
and had a lunchdate..bersama hunks@ UPM..hahaha joking2...
with my bestestt bestestt fren..mai sayaannggg...
lunch @ Lemongrass @ Alamanda
had Laksa n Ice lemon tea..
and 2 pieces of Dunkins..sedappp...
texted batman n he misses d waffle kt food court alamanda..
and i was like...ha ahhhh..tujuan sebenar nak ajak mai makan waffle kat food court..
but when she say laksa...ilang waffle..waaaaaaaaaaaaa...
ta pe ta pe..
batman cepat balik...kte makan waffle alamanda...ea?ea?
and so balik lab..and blablabla...
ptg gi aerobic bersama cheq kam..hehe..aneh tetapi benar..ye athirah pergi aerobic..lalallalala
every friday MPOB Aerobic session@dewan sawit..
and dapat air mineral sebotol..ehhehe.