Monday, September 29, 2008

johnny's treat!

athirah's sukati-nak-wat-ape day out...
yes today is d day thira get to do whatever she likes..
even sumthing she ta penah buwat..
or takot na buwat..
or whatever..

athirah went out bertudung..
dont ask why..
tibe2 tga baring2 kat bilik..
tgk tudung2 wina tergantong..
rase cham na try kuar satu hari..with tudung..
cube cube pakai tudung..
told wina..and die aja pakai selendang lilit2 tu..
but in d end i wore tudung biase je..
rase mcm beck in d days kat sekolah..

den athirah drove all d way to subang..with efie n didie
just for....manicure..
yup semata2..macamlah kat midval ke bangsar tade..
tp subang murah kot..hahhaha..
and i color my nails super red..hey i cuti puase la....hehe~
..efie n didi manics buffer je la..aku la beria color2 bagai..
den da siap2 sme..tbe2 na wat pedics plak la..
get red toe nails too..hahahha~

ade aunty kat manics to tanya..
ta takot ke ape org cakap..
i say...meby la kot..but lantakla..
harini my day..
parents? i probably see dem till d end of d week..and meby sempat habis cuti pose..and d reds is off! ta pe kot..hahah~
him?..mungkin kene bebel kejap...wat muke kucing shrek sket..jalan~..ehhehe!
othes?..just dont care..hahahah~!

den drove to OU..
for berbuka @ johnnys..
walaupon saye ta pose sebenarnye..hahaha~
menyebok jugak..
with coursemates-cum-hsemates..
ereen. sarah. wina. nulu and sham *sham bukan hsemate ea..ehhe*
and we snap2 pics..with wina's new super expensive cool alpha..

i had thai pinapples fried rice..

hasil usaha nulu..

den we snap2 pics around OU..

and den kami pulang..

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