i woke up today..kinda late morning..
tbe2 at my lappy screen ade YM msg..
'lalalala...tak na baya..'
ok de story goes lik dis..
las year..puase..lagi 3 hr na raye..
i had n xcident...
at dat time around...d most stupid-dumbiest-person-dat-happen-to-me was driving..
dat day he was extremely uptight coz sepatutnye aku dapat duet gaji.yup..aku...
so he was cursing n swearing to my bos..
on d way na pg berbuka..
and dekat traffic lite matrik uia tu plak trafficlite nye rosak..
so he pon belok ke kanan..
tbe2 a motor slammed on my car..
d crmin on d left passanger seat was like..blasting..
pintu die jgn ckp la kemik habes..
tayar pecah..
and god noes what lagi la kan..
and so dat raya tanpa kereta..
d motorist was bleeding all over d hands n legs..
dat day was seryesly..crazy situation..ya allah mintak jauhla lagi benda2 ni..
all d repair n paint cost papa nearly 1000
998 if im not mistaken..
tiara..beli murah..sparepart siotnye mahal..urghhh!
so after nearly a year i get rid of dat worst-thing-happen person..
i mintak la dat haf of d payment dat we agreed to bayar befo we split up.
its gonna be 450-450...
i mntk tlg one of his good fren tlg ckp kan...
d last time i mintak..
he said..i still remember..and i quote.
'kaw da miskin sangat ke..mintak2 duet kat org?'
n dat was it..so i wouldnt want to text him anymo myself..coz dun wan him to noe any num.
dat can make him maki aku suke suki die je..
i asked him elok2..*atleast dats how i said it to his good fren..hopefully he sampaikan elok2 juge la kan..*
infact i wished him selamat hari raya n happy bday...f**k kan?
and d verdict came..'ta na bayar!'
just 1 thing..
jangan mintak aku halalkan sampai mati..
not just me..i tink papa says d same thing too..
yup..worst-person-had ever-happen-to-me..n d award dat he alone gets it...stays der..forever..
give a big round of applause guyss..~...hahaha
hmmm ta tao la manusia ke monyet..
a monkey or a ......
Exploring Thoughts with Non-Human Companions
1 week ago
zaman skarang nie mmg susah nak bezakan manusia dengan monyet..
tak pe..
mungkin skarang nie dia tgh kumpul tenaga untuk kejar awk kt akhirat & byr hutang tu nnt..
tu bkn takat monyet tu yunk...da ala2 ...hishh....x brani nk sebut..harammm...hahahhaaha....jahat tol aku..bilerr nk raye uma ni???
me to az:
mmg wak..tga kumpol tenaga..
ur absolutely right!
sme org says d same thing too..
ta paham y setenga org ta takot bawak utang sampai ke mati..
da la kte dlu kene maki..
patu kte bg discount utang summore..
still ta na bayar..
mmg la akan sesat2 carik aku kt akhirat..
just dont understand people..silap..monkey..hahahah!
me to N:
tak tak..
kte ta jahat..
org yang ta na bayar utang lagi jahat..
kan kan?
i super hate him..
but im super happy with my life..
i found sum1 super better than him
thank god!
apa punya org la..huhu..cm sial!!hahaha..sok mungkin kita akan jumpa kaum kerabat dia..
he is a guy with no BALLS :)
i tink not even a guy lah syg.
cuz a guy will RESPONSIBLE twrds his acts, words n life.
dun bother to tink of him lg syg.
akan make u frown je aite?
hepi2 always.
i love u syg.
n i hate him fo u.
me to anonymous:
benar kate anda..macam dot dot dot..
me to sha:
yes yang his a basket dat with no balls..or head on d foot but with no balls..
god i super hate him
i ta tink of him yang..
tlg la wasting my time..
i pk duet tu je..
uselesee..lousy..not responsible..
everything synonym to that is totally related to him..hahhaha
haihhss..biar die..
mari hate die bersame2..yang..
and sayang 'si die' bersame2..hehehe
i love u syg..
n emi juge!..ehehhe~
ahahaha..akak setuju dgn shannaz!ehe..well irah.as far as i concern,org yg berhutang segala amal ibadat die takkan diterima selagi die tak byr..apentah lg lau kite haramkan..hmm..penat la die esok nk keja kamu irah kat akhirat..die bukan monyet!he worst then dat!!hohoh
صبر ايت سباهاڬين درڤد ايمان
كالاو كوتوق لبيه2 ننتي كيت اكن جادي سام ماچم دي
me to napie.
1-put ure foot on my shoes mr!. kaukan kaya byk duit takpelah. org utang byk2 pon ta kesa.
2-tulisan tu kasi besar sket lah..tak nampak!
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