(*syarat: kene bace blog ni with d song..so tunggu die buffer baru bley bace..okkay!*)
i dedicate this post n d song
especially for u..
kak kerry..
efie sayang...
and my besties forever n ever..mejetol!
kak kerry~
sayang ta mo sedey2 kay...
dlu akak selalu ckp kat ira..
one day..ill find sum1 dat makes me happy..
and is worth for every love i have for..
trust me sayang..u will..
everybody will...
stand up straight..and b tuff...
coz d goodness in u..deserve every good things in life..
and babe..
i'l spread u d love as u give d most care n love to me..
like i said..
if hes ures..hes ures...
tyme will tell n only u knows whats best for u..
but for d tyme being...
fill ure heart with joy n laughter....
dont let anything to drain down ure tears kay..
as all d burden is on ure shoulder..
i wish i could help u to ease all that..
and b there for u always...
just call my name~
and tatadadaaaa!..athirah d kuwat to d rescue!...ehee~
kay sayang!
efie sayang~
begitu juge kamu..
i know ure in a hard tyme..
with ayah saket..and d emotions jumbled up inside..
but sayang..
smile kay..
keep smiling...coz kamu sangat chomey dgn nya..ehehhe!
im always here for u kay kay..
sumtime i slipped..
but den i grab u..n im up!
begitu juge kamu kay...kamu jatoh..saye dan jermen akan hulur tgn utk kamu!..
and sumtimes sayang..letting go..doesnt mean u give up with it..
but u care n love d most..and its d best u should do....
sayang ta mo pk kan org laen sgt kay..
sumtimes kaw haros tink abt ureself fes ta0..
i know dats whut in u..tp ta mo bg org take u fo granted kay..
now ta mo sedey2~
aku dan jermen selalu disini..
lorve u like hel sayang..
and babe..i'l be there utk kamu selaluw!
to mejetol mejetol sayang saye gile gile!!!...
sayang...dont feel bad or down..
cos sayang ure as high s d sun..shining and give life to the living things below...
sayang..we love u just the way u r..me ..sha n cheq jem kamuw...
dont tink bad abt ureself..coz we could see rainbows in u..n it makes us smile...
sayang kaw ta mo sedey2 kay..
u r beautiful as you are..
and nothing n NOBODY can ever deny dat..
berani la..aku sekeh pale!..
sayang kaw jgn rase lonely n sunyi d upm..
u will never loose cheq jem kamu..saye dan sha..
aku commute everyday back n forth from semenyih..
just beep2 me..and aku akn emergency break dan stop d UPM..for u kay..!..*over gile cite*
lorve u like hell ta0...
il always be here fo u..
carik akuw!..jgn simpan sorg2 kay..
and jgn bg batman sbg alasan..
aku sekeh pale ka0 jugak!...
with or without batman..
aku tetap disini utk kaaw!
love u syg!
Title: Mariah Carey - I'll Be There lyrics
You and I must make a pact
We must bring salvation back
Where there is love
I'll be there
I'll reach out my hand to you
I'll have faith in all you do
Just call my name
And I'll be there
I'll be there to comfort you
Build my world of dreams around you
I'm so glad that I found you
I'll be there with a love that's strong
I'll be your strength
I'll keep holding on
Let me fill your heart with joy and laughter
Togetherness is all I'm after
Just call my name
I'll be there
I'll be there to protect you
With an unselfish love
I'll respect you
Just call my name
And I'll be there
I'll be there to comfort you
Build my world of dreams around you
I'm so glad that I found you
I'll be there with a love that's strong
I'll be your strength
I'll keep holding on
If you should ever find someone new
I know she'd better be good to you
'Cause if she doesn't I'll be there
I'll be there I'll be there
Just call my name
I'll be there I'll be there I'll be there
Whenever you need me I'll be there
...coz u rise like the sun...and i bloom like a flower...ehe!
i love u sayang sayang n sayang..muah!
Exploring Thoughts with Non-Human Companions
1 week ago
as i'm writing this, i was crying like hell..
as i'm reading this entry with the song playing n the lyrics is here, i'm crying even more..huhuh
*seb baek tade org kt umah*
i heart u so muchhhhhhh ged...
thanks for always there for me..
even when i dont tell u anything, u still know theres something wrong with me...
no matter what people say n do to us, we always be there for each other..with jerman...
i just cant imagine how we n jerman can be close together..
i miss u 2 n i love u 2 a lot lot lot....
ta sabar nk hang out together lg...
*since i da kalah beting, nnt i banje u n jerman tgk movie eh..=P*
yeahh..agree wit efie..im crying to while reading dis post..sgt2 terharu ok..thanks for always be there for me..yeah if hes mine he'll be mine..juz let time decide it..i do wut i shud do...thanks for be my strenght when i need it most ;)
sayang kamu! *big kiss n hug*
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