well well well...
things keep coming to u to test ure patience and strength..
and i think things happen for a reason..
things had and i repeat 'had' happened to me..
and now i could stand straight and smile..
even in d hardest part..
to me..biarlah org2 yg dtg dan memberi masalah..
it makes me tink and...bersabar..
tak perlu nak marah2 or maki2 org kt blog..
serang2 kat blog...
untill not to the maximum extend..i stil publicise my blog..
stuffs dat tetibe dtg dan wat 'indah water' @ my blog..
i just basicaly ignore..
my frens dat knows me...knows best..and perhaps tanya i dlu..befo conclude and speculate everything..
so no need fo me to privatised my blog..
just no yet...
i like my life now..
i got frens..lots and lots of frens..
and i get to know new people every each day..
eventho makcik cleaner kat 11th tu..ehehehe!..yang suke senyum when i trun tangga every morning..
and menganggap org2 yang muncul like u know what...u know who..and i in bukan seorang...came into d picture kadang2...just to spice up my life..
kalaw ta..tade la ups and down kan...ta kate..ehe!!..
and i cherish everyday with a smile..
tgk muke kak ct bukak2 mate..and nampak nasik lemak ayam kat screen laptop kak ct pepagi..mmg membahagiakan...
and di suroh bgn every morning oleh morning wake up call @ ta bgn pon..tdo balik..ehehe....lalu byebye biomol..byebye imej grafik...haihhss..ehhee..
and pastu kena mawah dgn wake up call...dan kak ct...
things dat 'indah water' i dah lame2 buang jawoh...
lots of things ive learned..
choose wisely..anything with d term 'frens'...
i believe sum1 for me is out there...
to make me smile every each day i opened my eyes for the sunshine..
kan kan kan???
well2..till then.cukup...thesis on the go...ehe!...
take care ya'll....
Exploring Thoughts with Non-Human Companions
1 week ago
this is real cool babe..
tadi silap bacerr.huahua
yaa..thts it.
idup ader turun n naik
as long kiterr buat baik kat org,
be positif..
sebab Allah akan kasi yg baik2 untuk kiterr jugak
spt kamu yg suker mnyuap mulut sy ngan makanan2 yg best, sy mungkin xdpt balas dgn makanan yg sama..
tp hny gambor nasik lemak ayam di pagi hari..hehe
boleh considerr x contoh sy tu..huahua
oklah athirah ku,
saya slalu mndoakan kebaikan bsama kamu
itulah je yg termampu dr saye.
ya kak ct..
sgt baguih contoh kamu itu..
mmg sangat releven dgn moral of d story...ahahha~
ya kak ct..
i really believe everything happens for a reason and god have it all planned well for me..
ader hikmah org kate kan?
and wat jahat kt kte..tak perlu kte nak gi serang2..better off we go on with our life..dr bazir masa dan tenaga trying to nyebok in dier life..biarla dey menyebok in our life..dat would basically be much mo fun..kan?..ehee...
thanks kak ct.kamu mmg rumate yg terbaik..with o without d gmbo nasik lemak..ehehhe...
good luck with PESKO today kak ct...tukang jahit berjaya..yes...!
lorve ya babe...
take care..
kamu ade byk lagi interesting things to do..n a lot of ppl that more important to cherish in ur life... suke how u labels this entry.. a place called heaven...
yang baik amek byk2...
yg tak baek... masuk kan dlm recycle bin..jgn restore2 dah..empty kan jer..
good luck babe!!
yeahh2...i agree wit wina ;) strong tirah!luv u ookay!
me to wina:
yup..byk lg org dat i can cherish dier life and dey can cherish mine..kan kan?..and worth to cherish for..kan?..ehe!..
thnx taaw fo d separuh big apple..suke suke..ehe!
tp jgn ingt itu dapat membeli thaya dr!..
anyway..yup..dis is a heaven to me..everything can be turn into a positive kan?..
thanx babe!
me to kak kerry:
thanx kak!
cayang kamu juge..
like u said skang kte tahu whos a fren and whos not..
whos good to u.and whos not..
sum people just taking other for granted..and uses us as dey own self purposes bile dlm keadaan ta elok..sme jadikan itu sbg tugas..hbs..hbs...its not dat sumthing dat a fren concern kinda thing..well actually..dat is not a fren..kan kak??..
cheers babe!
pedulikan sampah sarap tu sume...
we hav better things to do other than those craps...
Allah sentiasa bersama org yg sabar aite...
we dont kacau people, so if people kacau us, thats their problem xle tgk org laen senang...
luv ya loads!
me to efie:
ya cheers..ehee!
saye dah lame mengangap sme itu indah water..haha ataw alam flora..
euw euw..ehe!
think on d bright side..
blog saye terus kena tebang rumput2 wak..semak sme..ilang
dah lame dull je blog saye...
skang ni baru lah happening..terima kaseh kepada 'anda' dan 'anda-anda' yang telah menimbulkan propaganda dan hangat2kan blog saye..ehe..!
like i say..spice up my life..and my blog!..
xpe at least xde speartooth dlm blod awk mcm blog sy tu..
mcm2 binatang liar ade..
life must go on...
Ah. I chatted in the chatterbox before reading this entry.
Exactly, that's the spirit Athirah! Lihat segala benda secara positif.
Akak2 Athirah, learn from the growing kid!
I will keep reading your blog to see your progress. You'll get a report card at the end of the day.
ai..ayat macam nak bermesra.
bagus2.semangat persaudaraan seagama seperti ini yang kita mahukan,
saling bina membina..
dan tidak menjatuh kan.
uh report card..hurmm
idea yang baik jugak..
mcm guidance angel gitu
will keep reading your blog to see your progress. You'll get a report card at the end of the day..
so ni macam pembaca setia gitu la..
oh dat so sweet..
atleast i know ader org akan bace blog i..
an unknown person..
uuu creepy i like..ehek!
well actually mcm whutever it is..teruskan lah ape yang anda mahu lakukan...
sukati lah labu...
lalu macam a?
anyway...the kids name is athirah ...okay kiddo??..ahaks!
mana2 pgi adew jew si unknown!
semak la weyh~!
anw,xdew korg pown xbest gak
kan babe????
me to ezza:
betol betol betol (macam upin dan ipin)
diorng ta de bosan jugak..
cham tak mencabar gitu..
mcm ta de tanda tanya..
sape ni sape tu?
wow..coolnesSs kan?
lorva ya babe..
nantikan i pulang ea..!
okie dokie hun
xsabar maw kasi lu itu prezen
nnt boley ltak kt ur pic in d blog!
(semak jew kaw ni kata athirah dlm aty...)
marilah ktew menyeru 'anda' dn 'anda2' itu menghangatkn blog ini!
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